Friday, August 17, 2007

The Dresser and The Bathroom

College. Ahhh yes, the best 4 years of my life. It was a time of freedom, parent-less experiences, love, drinking, travels, learning from mistakes, responsibility and making friends.

Upon leaving my parents nest, I made up my mind that I was in no way going to join a sorority once I got to college. There was just no way! I was not going to be one of those lame girls who "buys" friends, I certainly was not going to live with 100 girls and I definitely was not going to be stereotyped as a sorority girl. It was so not my style.

So without hesitation, I joined Kappa Delta sorority my freshman year. It was conveniently situated in the middle of "Frat Row" and better yet across the street from one of the biggest fraternities on campus, Sigma Chi.

I did not waste anytime "getting to know" my neighbors and instantly found a dreamy Sigma Chi boyfriend. We dated for a couple years. We were drawn to each other mainly out of lust but also for our love to party. Both of us partied and partied hard.

After one of Sigma Chi's biggest events of the year, Derby Days, I knew it was going to be a rough night and I might have to become friends with some porcelain. I was right, because in the middle of the night, I was woken up by this overwhelming feeling of fire quickly traveling up my throat and into my mouth. I leaped quickly out of his room and ran to the bathroom to rid myself of the fire.

Upon my return, I noticed that my boyfriend was awake and standing by his dresser.

I thought to myself, what is he doing and why was he being really creepy? As I examined the situation closer, he was not just standing there, he was not being creepy, he was actually doing something that I had never seen before. He was relieving himself all over his dresser and clothes drenching everything within a 6" radius. It was unbelievable! I shook him in attempt to wake him from his sleep walk but nothing worked. So I threw my hands in the air and went back to bed.

The next morning, I reenacted the event for my boyfriend to help explain why his clothing was soaked and smelled terrible.

Needless to say, he spent a lot of time the doing laundry that day.

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