Friday, August 17, 2007

Co-Workers and Jobs

Just when I think I have seen or heard it all from my co-workers, I am proven wrong. To be honest, I am long overdue for one of these "special" moments so in my mind it was bound to happen. Here's the story:

My desk is situated in one of those really creative environments called the gray cubicle. It is divided into four sections, which means I have three neighbors. Currently I have two, the third is starting on Monday and he is a whole different story.

Back to my story. One of my cubmates has a 4 year old black lab dog named Walter.

This morning, the mail was delivered to all of our desks and Perry exclaims "Ohh yeah, it finally came!" So I halted all work to see what he got in the mail. As he opened the box, I started brainstorming about the goods inside. Maybe some cool new shoes or clothes, better yet some protein powder (we are exercise/health fanatics in my cubicle world). Oh no, he pulled out a guide dog harness. Yes the leather harness with puffs of soft fleece to protect the dogs skin and complete with the leather handle/guide.

I looked at Perry with my "WTF" face. He looked up at me and said, "I am tired of tying Walter up outside of stores so I bought the harness so Walter can shop with me."

Yes, this is a true story. Yes, these are people I work with.

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